Offering In-Person and Virtual Sessions for Couples

We are in this together! With the scare  and scale of the Corona-virus (COVID-19)  Global Pandemic  these past weeks, it has stopped us in our tracks on urgent matters of safety and health. It is so important to take this seriously, with all the precautions and preparations possible as well as getting accurate information from reliable sources. On the other hand, these are a few considerations living in a time of VUCA (business term given to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times)

Here are a few insights and things I have taken away from conversations trying to get my own head  around it:

1. Stop, Breathe and Think.

In “slowing down the train” of fear and panic, we need to simply put the brakes on, “put our own oxygen mask on first” Be still. Be calm.To allow our anxiety to hit the rapid response down the rabbit hole, will only make it harder to climb back out. Managing our stress response is a great course toward wise action.

Count to 10, (100, 1000) Imagine a calm and safe place. Bring the “beach” or mountain scene to you.

Realize our collective and global connection, and responsibility as we listen, observe and learn together.  I have heard many say that this has connected us, since it affecting every continent on the planet.

To have local and national events cancelled and to know that countries are on lock down has brought our “business as usual” to a screaming halt. And then what? What is safe? What is not? How do we make these hard choices?  It requires trusting our “gut” and being thoughtful and smart. I, myself cancelled a flight to an elderly mother and an event of over 15,000 to stay out of large public events. Sacrifices for the good of all considered is hard yet important. Together, we can make a better world.

2. Live your values in action.

An existential crisis can bring those values to life. Carpe Diem.

Take time to see and smell the flowers and first signs of spring. Express gratitude. Writing in your journal and noting appreciations for the small things we often take for granted is important.

If there is any time needed to reflect our simple, every day, often over- looked joys,

Embrace beauty and excellence in nature, art, poetry, dance, books, comedy, and one another.

3.  Do the right thing. Keep calm. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face.

Find all the cool songs you can sing for those 20 seconds as you thoroughly wash.


Make wise decisions about travel and safety for yourself and others.

4. Bring the peace. Bring the love. Bring the joy. Connect with others.

By bringing these qualities to ourselves and others, we override fear and connect with others- even if it with an “air high five” or an elbow bump. If we work together we can over ride these terrifying times.

5. Value your health and self-care.

Live as though you and your loved ones depend on it. They do.

6. Keep the humor.

It’s obviously not that this is serious. Humor is good for our stress. Here is a favorite “tweet” of the week that has gone viral. Thank you, Matthew. You nailed it!

Love, Health and Joy,



There are so many wellness resources from mindfulness apps to podcasts and TedTalks on Health.



Kristen Neff:

Dr. Rick Hanson

Bestselling authors Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson explore how we can become happier, build inner strengths, and get the most out of life.

Arianna Huffington from Thrive Global