Upon an urgent request of a colleague, I created CEO Couples. When the same friend and her son were working on their passion project, things unraveled. As much as she loved him, the business relationship was suffering. Why is so difficult to maintain a friendship,...
I see couples in all developmental stages of life. I especially relate to couples 55+ That is a big arching curve. According to Erik Ericson- the goal 55+ is generativity vs. stagnation and the later part of this adult development (65+) reflects on the need for...
When clients reach out to my practice, they generally face a dilemma. Dilemmas come in all shapes, sizes, and intensity of frustration and need. They can be delightful such as planning a life of love together or wondering how to overcome obstacles and differences....
Can Marriage Survive Betrayal? When one partner goes outside of their marriage to seek extra-marital novelty, connection, or intimacy – it literally can destroy all sense of trust and commitment and the relationship basically crumbles. This betrayal happens...
2020 has clearly been the year when the escalation of tension and the cry for justice has taken, weeks on end to the streets. History is being made before our eyes, due to the courageous action, impassioned work for liberation, and inclusion. We are over capacity to...
We are in this together! With the scare and scale of the Corona-virus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic these past weeks, it has stopped us in our tracks on urgent matters of safety and health. It is so important to take this seriously, with all the precautions and...