I see couples in all developmental stages of life. I especially relate to couples 55+ That is a big arching curve. According to Erik Ericson- the goal 55+ is generativity vs. stagnation and the later part of this adult development (65+) reflects on the need for...
“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose. ” Thomas Edison We are experiencing tumultuous and uncertain times due to COVID-19. Some are working on the front lines in the immediate fight with COVID-19. ...
Life is a quest for meaning and joy, love and connection. A quest for couples is a process to increase the connection, emotional engagement, communication and intimacy over time. Why? It occurred to me that offering session by session often lacks the commitment to...
“Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen How many of us have seen Season 1 and 2 of Big, Little Lies, or have read the book? Wow… it seems to catch on like crazy for some reason. Of course, the...
I was introduced to a friend of a neighbor in our new “digs” recently. I was taken with the question, what do you do? I paused and thought upon that question, usually so easy to answer with my usual professional credentials and response. This time, ...