Offering In-Person and Virtual Sessions for Couples

Welcome to my new website and blog Designing Relationships:     Connect. Deepen. Grow.

I dedicate this blog site to those who live real and ordinary lives that create extraordinary and powerful stories. I believe these stories deserve to be expressed and recognized. They will serve as inspiration and hope.

11247504_464299443738185_4006483986719084435_nI dedicate this site to my clients who never cease to inspire me. This site will  offer tools, resources and services I am passionate about sharing. I hope it will  offer support and guidance in designing your relationship to what you want most in life and in your important relationships in order  to achieve a life of purpose and joy.

I am  dedicating this site to my family-my husband of 31 years and beautiful daughters and now extended family, adoringly, who teach me about the heartbeat of love on a daily basis.

To my friends and colleagues, thank you for all your unconditional support and being in the “goo” through it all. You know who you are, and I am so grateful, my tribe.

In this blog, I am highlighting my mother and father, who founded a family business gaining great notoriety as home designers, interior decorating and home building. They also established and nurtured life-long relationships with their customers and the community. This kind of relationship building has created a legacy and a role model I follow.

The concept of building lives as they build homes is a wonderful correlation in tribute to their tenacity, grit,  wisdom and success. There are many similarities we share in the process of change as we navigate  a life of purpose.


Role Model for Creating a Life of Purpose and Passion

Here are some gems I am sharing in tribute:


Allow Your Inner Designer to Emerge and Unfold

Every stage of our lives offers an opportunity to reflect upon the question of “now what…what’s next in this chapter”?  I believe it requires a process of openness, and stillness to create space to listen. This need for contemplation even 5- 10 minutes a day can then allow the imagination and vision to emerge. I believe it is important to create a private special space in ones’ home or in nature to meditate or pray, allowing the wisdom and guidance necessary to create the hope or dream. The dream then begins to take shape, like a new relationship, career direction, work of art…and requires nurturing, attention and priority to deepen and grow. Maybe it is a life change,  a calling, a new project or artistic endeavor that inspires and fulfills us. Perhaps it the awareness that change, for better or worse is imminent and will require the courage to weather the transition.  To take on the role of the “designer” gives permission to explore and  play with options and possibility. Curiosity leads to clarity when mindful.

Design Your Own Blueprint for a Life of Purpose

Whose blueprint are you living? Is it one of your own design, or the blueprint of others’ expectations. The question that is needed is …what purpose does my life serve now? Am I living in a way that offers my strengths aligned with my core values? What brings life joy? What resonates or calls out to me?  What do I want to create for my life, my family, the culture of my company, school or organization?

Choose the Tool That Fits You

If you need a hammer, get a hammer. The understanding of what each change requires can sometimes be daunting. What resources or services do you need to move forward?

See the Big Picture and Take Small Steps Toward Achieving a Life of Purpose

Creating change takes “grit” or tenacity as I mentioned about my families example.   Rome was not built in a day. Ask anyone who has lived through a remodeling project or a newly built home. Patience is required as each and every step is taken. Strengthening belief, hope and faith grows muscle! The joy can be in the process as well as the outcome of achieving our hopes and dreams!

What do you want to design in your life or business right now? Allow yourself the space to imagine and create.
I would love your comments and shares on this post!

#purpose #passion #life direction