Offering In-Person and Virtual Sessions for Couples

Are you going through a transition in life, relationship or career? Change is challenging isn’t it!

Whether it is pushing ourselves forward out of the comfort zone toward personal or professional growth, a great change like a new marriage or a baby on the way, a change in life, geography, or an unexpected diagnosis in health or moving from frustration to fulfillment in work….it is a compelling process and it helps to have a navigational roadmap.

Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities. — William Bridges, PhD.

Four Models to Offer Guidance:

Model #1

William-BridgesThe late William Bridges, PhD. offered a great map in his work with Transitions. His model articulated the process of moving from Endings to the Neutral Zone to New Beginnings. He states: Transition is not just a nice way to say change. It is the inner process through which people come to terms with a change, as they let go of the way things used to be and reorient themselves to the way that things are now.

To grieve the ending, consider new possibilities and implement new beginnings requires strength, vision and resilience.

William Bridges and Associates

Model #2

Gay-Hendrix-1Gay Hendrix offers a great analysis toward finding new direction that renews purpose and meaning by considering this analysis: To reflect upon these four questions offers great guidance through transition and change:

What is my Genius? Areas of Excellence? Competence and Incompetence?

To create a life and career living and expressing ones'”Genius” can clarify changes and adaptations in life and career that contribute to the greatest since of purpose and fulfillment.

The Big Leap

Model #3

martha-beck-1Martha Beck in “Growing Wings” articulates her understanding of these stages from dissolving, imagining, reforming (the Hero’s Saga) into full flight.

Psychological metamorphosis has four phases. You’ll go through these phases, more or less in order, after any major change catalyst (falling in love or breaking up, getting or losing a job, having children or emptying the nest, etc.). The strategies for dealing with change depend on the phase you’re experiencing.

Growing Wings: The Power of Change

Model #4

Gary-ChapmanThe use of assessments can be helpful…such as VIA Strengths-assessing character strengths, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Gottmans’ Relationship Checkup, Gary Chapman’s The Five  Love Languages and The Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. They are  used frequently in my work and can  provide great guidance and direction. They are most often validations for what is most deeply known about one’s self, personality and relational  style.

It is helpful in embarking upon the rapid pace of change and  transition to have these helpful maps for support and direction.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What stage of the transition cycle are you currently experiencing?
  2. What changes could you consider to live more in your “genius” zone? What could be delegated in order to move out of your area of  “incompetence”?
  3. What would your preferred vision for increased purpose and fulfillment look like in life or career? What are you willing to do about it?