Offering In-Person and Virtual Sessions for Couples

It is the 31st, New Year’s Eve 2019. What a year! I feel the transition from the Holidays to the resurge and promise awaiting us. To that end, I felt motivated to share with you my thoughts and a few questions that might help you reflect, release and reset for 2020 as you end 2019.

Reflect, Release and Reset for 2020
Here goes:
Reflect and Reset for 2020
Questions for Reflection:

What were the big milestones of 2019?

What were the things you are most grateful for? What brought you joy?

Who inspired you?

What books/movies/podcasts/music were most meaningful?

What are at least two things you accomplished?

How did you show up? How did you  “bring the joy”?

What were the challenges?

What did you learn?

 reflect release and reset 2020


As we savor these treasures for our treasure chest, it is important to release,  Create a clean slate for 2020. In mindfulness, we know if we are too busy looking behind or into the future, we miss what is right in front of us.

What are some of your hopes and dreams for 2020?  Consider these categories:

Describe/envision yourself—almost as if you’re painting a portrait of your life. As you step into this new decade: How do you show up in the world? How do you relate to/interact with others? How do you manage your energy? Care for yourself and come into balance? What are words that describe your vision for yourself? Renee’ Trudeau

Health and Well-Being: What are one or two things you would like to add or let go of to increase health?  Adding 10 minutes of meditation, a walk or two more a week, a little more time at the gym are manageable.

Relationships with Family and Friends- Perhaps a goal could be to be more patient and understanding with those we love.

Business and Workplace: What’s your business vision for 2020? It could be aspirational and culture-based, like spending more time getting to know members of the team, office, etc. Sharing more appreciation and recognition at work or increasing small and measurable challenges toward professional growth are worthy goals. How will you measure success?

Community- How do you want to show up? Is there a non-profit, neighborhood organization or project that calls to you?

set sail 2020

Set Your Sail:

1. Find Your Tribe: (s)
It has been such a pleasure to have created support teams with fellow women business owners (Women Rising) and Leadership Coaches. In my practice, we initiated our Emotion Coaching group for parents. This kind of support is incredibly helpful for personal, professional growth, accountability, and support.

2. Change things “just a little”
Goals don’t have to be big…though sometimes we may be ready to take a huge leap. Often, they can be such things as cooking more, adding an additional exercise, meditation practice or increasing connection with community or professional groups.

3. Take pleasure in small steps.
To get motivated for me often, means a nudge to get out of the comfort zone, and take…just…one…step. This helps me get to the gym, organize that space or do the thing

I wish to you all most importantly a healthy, peaceful, hopeful, connected, and prosperous  New Year!

“Believe in yourself. Dream. Try. Do Good.” Mr. Feeny, Boy Meets World

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